by eboe | Apr 19, 2015 |
John Wick is a welcomed breath of not so fresh air. It is nothing that you haven’t seen before, but it’s nothing that you’ve seen in a LOOOOOONG time. Long gone are the days of simple, revenge driven, mature action flicks. Today we get bloated...
by eboe | Mar 1, 2015 |
Having just got back from a screening of It Follows I thought I’d try to put my thoughts down on this much anticipated indie horror thriller. As I’ve said before (in my Babadook review) “I’m not a massive horror fan”, but this film had...
by eboe | Nov 14, 2014 |
We travelled far and wide to catch a glimpse of The Babadook yesterday. And by far and wide I mean Bolton, but that’s pretty far for someone from Widnes. I love films, but I’m not a massive horror fan, mostly because I think the genre is littered...
by eboe | Oct 22, 2014 |
Don’t worry, this post on Gone Girl is SPOILER FREE!!! After taking in Gone Girl a week or so ago and then doing my usual thing of surfing through reviews afterwards, I couldn’t help but be flabbergasted at how many reviewers and critics were commenting on...
by eboe | Nov 15, 2013 |
I managed to catch Gravity at my local IMAX on Wednesday. Was it good? Yes. Should you go see it? Yes. But unfortunately it’s not quite as simple as that. Let me explain… Gravity is NOT a film, it’s an experience …and a very tense one at that....
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